Monday, November 10, 2008

The Philosophy of Chess and Life

The Philosophy of Chess and Life

1. Chess celebrates the creativity of the human mind – marvelous combinations, smashing sacrificial attacks, and ingenious strategies bring to life great imagination and creativity from within us. How can we not create, we who are made the image of the Creator God?

2. The harmony of the chessmen– Each piece is different, Knight, Bishop, Queen, Rook, Pawn and King, each one has their own intrinsic values which make them special. On their own, they can do little, but when combined together, working in tandem and unity, they create a powerful irresistible synergy in the hands of the Master. Likewise, each person is different, specially created by God in a way like no other. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but when united together, with the same mind and purpose, they can become a truly powerful force to be reckoned with. United we stand, divided we fall. A threefold cord is not easily broken.

3. The miracle of the pawn – The pawn is the most humble piece on the board. It is easily sacrificed, and the loss of one or two may not give one much to worry. However, as the end approaches, each pawn becomes more and more powerful, with the awesome potential of becoming any piece the Master wishes him to be. Most of us, as we stand here on the face of the billions on the earth, may appear insignificant and small in the grand scheme of things. However, in the hands of the Master, we have unlimited potential to become the star he wishes us to be. Like em hobbits of old, small and little we may be. Yet in the Master’s plan, we shall be much more than we can be.

4. The power of the centre – One of the main principles in chess, is the control of the centre. Among master players, he who controls the centre almost inevitably wins the game. From the centre, he exudes power in every direction of the board. In life, we too must focus our attention on the centre. With the truth as our centre, we are able to face all difficulties in life resolutely. If we focus on less important things on the side, sooner or later, our centre will be blown open, leaving our life in tatters. He was created before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

5. The order of the game – Part of the beauty of the game lies in its order. Each piece and movement in chess is based on the conditions set by her ingenius inventor. Without this order, the game would become illogical and meaningless. So too in life, there is a certain order to things. Where there is total freedom to do what one feels like, it will only lead to anarchy and chaos. Imagine if there was no law of gravity on the earth. How then could life maintain its existence? To find our place in life hence, we must understand our place and our Creator, and live in humble reverence and prayer.

6. The principles of the game – Over the centuries, the masters of the game developed clear principles necessary to increase the chances of winning in a game- rook on the 7th rank, establishment of a knight in the centre, the control of the white or black squares, the seizing of open files and diagonals, etc. In life too, there are good and important principles found in the Word by which men who live by it have the greater chance to find fulfillment and the purpose of life.

7. Finishing the endgame – Often time, we hear of a player who comes out of the opening with an incredible advantage, dominates the middle game and then inexplicably loses the endgame. What good would his excellent opening and middle game play do then? In life too, it is not so much how we start but how we finish that is most important.

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