Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to Find Things to Do in a Boring Class

Let's face it: school is a drag. It might seem hard, even impossible, survive a day of school, but with this guide, you can make it easier on yourself.


  1. Sleeping is an option, but teachers will notice after a while. If you do decide to do this, try and hide yourself behind a book, or stay in the back of the room.
  2. Do homework from another class. That way, you won't go home having to worry about the loads of homework awaiting you.
  3. Draw or Doodle things on note book paper in the margins of notes: Cartoons, shapeless blobs, and anything else that tickles your fancy.. These look like harmless things to teachers and chances are they will not punish you for these things. Just remember to write everything on the board just in case the info was important. Sometimes, if you sit far away from the teacher and tilt your notebook up, it will just look like you are taking notes. Glance up at the teacher every so often so it seems like you are paying attention and writing down everything.
  4. Zone out, but try and remember the last sentence your teacher said, just in case your teacher asks you to prove you were listening. Some people develop a talent of having one ear listen to what the teacher says, but think about something else entirely. Then, if the teacher calls on you, announces important information, or the class reacts to some exciting - or not so exciting - news, ("There's a test tomorrow", or "No homework!") you can replay what you just heard with one ear, and you won't have missed anything.
  5. Read magazines or novels, because they're often better reads than your textbook. Hide the magazine behind the book, but figure out a way to disguise it if your teacher makes rounds of the classroom.
  6. Pass notes or send text messages. Remember to put your phone on silent - if you put it on vibrate, people WILL hear (for most phones).
  7. Chew gum, or suck on hard candy. You'll still have to listen to the lessons, but you can have all sorts of fun manipulating the treat inside your mouth.
  8. Do Origami. Get a piece of paper and fold stuff.
  9. Look for loose change in your pockets. It's surprising how fun a quarter can be- flip it to answer true or false questions, Flick the coin so it spins, think about the next arcade game you are going to play with the quarter, etc.
  10. Play video games like the hand held things such as a graphing calculator, nintendo ds, or psp. Make sure to hide these behind folders because the ds and psp are obviously a game while the graphing calculators are less obvious. Keep in mind that if caught the teacher may confiscate it so you should use at your own risk.


  • If passing notes, fold as tiny as possible.
  • If you are stuck reading something boring, try putting it to a tune or a rap... just don't actually start singing out loud!
  • Quarters hitting desks can be noisy. Flip with caution.
  • Sometimes teachers will be nice and give you a warning for playing games in class.
  • If passing notes, and you have a mechanical pencil, write the note on a small piece of paper and put it inside the pencil. then, pass the pencil to a friend who knows the note is in there. He can then open it and read it, and reply with another note, etc. That way when you are passing it and the teacher sees you, you can just say "I was just letting him borrow my pencil". Also see about learning morse code and using that.


  • Most schools don't allow gum, so make sure the teacher doesn't see your jaw moving.
  • If you are caught by the teacher doing homework from another class, the teacher may consider it as cheating, and may confinscate the HW.
  • If the teacher catches your note, they might read it in front of the class. Make sure it contains no profanity, and that you'd have no problem if your grandmother read it. Don't gossip or down talk anyone, because if your teacher reads it aloud, you could have people mad at you.
  • Do not do this all the time, as school matters. Maybe not now, but it sure will when you go applying for jobs.
  • Origami folding is loud, so do at your own risk!

How to Be Confident in Starting New Things

Everyone is a little shy at first when starting something new. But with a little help, you can get over your fears, and become confident.


  1. Do some soothing exercises to calm your nerves, before starting this new activity. For example, write down all the things you have done, or are looking forward to. You could write about a vacation coming up, or getting your crush to like you, etc. Put these on a scrap sheet of paper and put them in a pocket or bag.
  2. Meditate. Sit in a comfy place where you have had previous experiences with something good. Throw open a window, close your eyes and get in a comfortable position. Meditation does not mean saying "om." It means relaxing.
  3. Make a good impression, when you arrive at your destination. You want other people thinking that you are a kind person. You can do this by Saying Hello to people who seem to want to be friends. Remember to smile a lot, too.
  4. Enjoy yourself! Once you do that, time will fly by!


If you can't seem to have a good time, then try talking to the owner or your parents about stopping. You shouldn't do any activities if they're not fun.


Don't go overboard when making a good impression. You'll scare people!

How to Make People Think You Are Confident


  1. Ask questions of any kind. Sometimes asking silly questions is the best way to boost confidence, and people greatly admire those who show no fear of being judged. You have nothing to prove to anyone; be silly, be spontaneous, have fun conversations. These are really good ways to prove to others that you are confident.
  2. Hold your head up high. Have tall, straight posture.
  3. Make eye contact. Don't look down or from side to side.
  4. When shaking hands, have a firm grip, but not too firm!
  5. Speak loud and clear. Think before you speak so you have a clear idea of what to say. If you tend to jumble words in an attempt to rush through what you're saying, slow down.
  6. Smile. Always show your pearly whites.
    If you look like this (yes, it's silly, but you get the idea), then people have no choice but to believe in you, because they know that you believe in yourself!
    If you look like this (yes, it's silly, but you get the idea), then people have no choice but to believe in you, because they know that you believe in yourself!
  7. Laugh. Make it look like you are always having fun. Laugh at your mistakes, you'll seem more happy.
  8. Keep busy. Don't just stand around. Meet new people. Share a funny joke, join clubs, do social things.
  9. Take compliments gracefully by always smiling and saying a simple "thank you." If someone pays you a compliment, do not respond by putting yourself down.
  10. Be honest. People like you more if they feel they're able to trust you and you are able to trust yourself.
  11. Appreciate yourself for who you are. Acting in a confident manner will make you appear to be more confident, but it's also important to find value in yourself as an individual. This will give you real confidence. You are someone special, you have a beautiful smile, and you're good at lots of things! Make a list of these things for yourself, and remind yourself often of your great qualities.


  • Don't try to impress people. The best advice anyone can ever give you is to live your own life. The harder you try to impress people the more unimpressed they'll become. Nobody admires the kiss up. Just go about your business and your social life will fall into place.
    • Remember, even if you do not feel confident, no one else knows it. Fake it until you make it. Pretend to be confident and eventually you will.
  • Remember to always look your best and feel good. Taking good care of yourself is important to your well-being. Your hygiene, attire, and attitude are very important parts of who you are, and you should keep these things healthy. By taking care of yourself, these actions will tell your mind that you are special and valuable, and this, in turn, will truly make you confident in yourself.
  • Act like you don't care what other people think, even if you do. Acting like yourself will lead to full confidence.
  • Remember that your honest concern, your innate convictions and the fountain of vitality within you always reach and enter the hearts of people. It is because of your own attachment to pettiness and superficial glamor and glitter that you underestimate yourself. So be sure that if you do soul searching and act accordingly people will surely think that you are confident. [Cf: Smiling Sun: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar]
  • Sometimes when you act confident people get jealous and try to do what you do. Take this as a tip that what you are doing is working.


  • Do not be too loud, obnoxious or demanding. That is a turn off for many people.
  • Don't cling to people and make them do all the leg work in a conversation. This will make them feel like you're dispensable
  • Do not try arbitrarily to "make others think" that you are "confident". That will make people think, feel, and confirm that you are ridiculous rather than confident.
  • Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not good enough because they're not any better.
  • Don't over do the smiling. Some people say you have to smile all the time but that can come off as kind of creepy. Just do what comes naturally and smile at appropriate times.
  • Don't be discouraged if you can't follow certain steps such as step #2 for instance. You don't have to have perfect posture to be respected.

How to Feel Confident


  1. Take a public speaking course. You might dread getting up in front of people, but there's no better way to jump start your confident feelings than by assuring yourself that you've got something to say, and people are listening
  2. Change up your look. Whether you're male or female, getting a new outfit and haircut can make you feel fresh, cool and confident.
  3. Pretend that you are already confident. If you've ever wanted to be an actor, use that motivation now. You may know you're capable and competent, yet you may feel rather insecure, but by pretending that you're already confident, you might be able to convince yourself. Ask yourself, what would the confident me do? How would they walk? How would they speak? Practice!
  4. Find some affirmations that will help you and repeat them often to yourself.
  5. Affirmations are very powerful and need to be spoken as though they have already happened. Say to yourself "I am a very confident person", "There is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it".
  6. Visualize yourself being congratulated on something you dream to achieve, imagine the person shaking your hand and saying well done. Hold a picture of you being successful.
  7. Every evening, just before you go to bed, think to yourself at least ten times, 'I am a confident man/woman'. This leaves a positive frame of mind inside yourself and will make you feel more confident the next day.


  • Smile and relax; there's nothing that needs to be worried about.
  • Don't feel that the audience is expecting a lot from you.
  • Assume yourself equal to anyone in the audience.
  • Volunteer important works in your organization, this is how you can earn people's respect.
  • ALWAYS be honest and believe in yourself. If you don't no one else will.
  • Don't underestimate yourself just because you're younger or smaller.
  • If anybody puts you down or makes fun of you, think it through and how silly the comment is. Make it feel like it's a joke and you won't take the comment seriously.
  • Not feeling confident is sometimes associated with a petty intellectual paradigm that stimulates our autonomic nervous activity which in turn affects our feelings of self-worth. This paradigm can be overcome and you can blossom from within by studying and re-evaluating yourself. [Cf: Smiling Sun: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar]


  • It is not correct to get obsessed and depressed by "Not feeling confident".
  • Blind belief and fanatic diposition can make one feel confident. But that can be disasterous.
  • Hence rather than making frantic effrots to "somehow feel confident" explore and care for your true self. Your true self is noble and dignified. Exploring and caring for your true self will ensure revitalization and the natural and full fledged emergence of feeling of confidence [Cf: Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar]

How to Be Confident


  1. Make a list of special talents you have, or things you do that are good—morally or otherwise. Focusing on your attributes helps distract you from those parts of yourself that you think are flawed. It doesn't have to be a specific skill or activity either; it can be an approach or an attitude that you champion through life. Do you always stay calm, cool and collected, even in harried situations? Are you very patient with people? Do you always see the humorous side of things? Are you always there for your friends?
  2. Find your passion. Whether it's baton twirling, martial arts, classic cars, or basket weaving, you will feel confident pursuing that endeavor by recognizing what you enjoy doing the most. More importantly, you'll be enjoying your progress.
  3. Choose a role model, whether someone close to you, or someone famous. Think of the qualities that the role model displays, whether physical, emotional, moral, and/or spiritual. Work towards acquiring those.
  4. Don't think about yourself too much. Try not to focus negatively on how you come across or how others may perceive you. Instead, focus more on making other people happy, and that will build your confidence as other people start enjoying your company.
  5. Accept compliments gracefully. Don't roll your eyes and say, "Yeah, right," or shrug it off. Take it to heart and respond positively ("Thank you" and a smile works well).
  6. Know that you have important things to say and do. When you feel strongly about something, speak loudly and clearly and make eye contact with people. Be yourself.
  7. Take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Don't abuse your body, don't overload it, and don't deny it any of the things it needs. At the same time, don't obsess. Buying all the moisturizers, creams and conditioners will not bring you closer to who you want to be. Those things are only band-aids and make up. Confidence comes from within. Take the time to reflect on your life and do some emotional maintenance. In order to be confident, you must value yourself and understand that your well-being is important.
  8. Stick up for yourself. If people put you down (and not in a good-natured, joking way), then let them know that their opinion of you is not held by everyone--most of all yourself. This may, at first, be hard to do. But once you stick up for yourself a few times, your confidence builds and you get more adept at it.
  9. Celebrate your individuality. If you know you've got something special or different, then embrace it—don't hide it! That's diversity! You may wish that you were taller, or shorter, skinnier, stronger, whatever the case may be. But you need to realize that, if you were like everyone else, then you wouldn't be who you are. "What am I?" you ask; the answer's easy: You're a unique individual who is capable of growing and learning.
  10. Take action. It is surprising how powerful the simple step of taking an action can be. And the action you take need not be something extravagant or grand. It could be something as simple as tackling a task that you have been procrastinating, such as writing a letter or tidying up that corner of the garage that has been out of control for the last several months. It could also be something as interesting as taking a class in yoga, art, interior design, anything that interests you that you haven't done yet. Whether large or small, action brings with it exhilaration, enthusiasm, and the confidence that other things can be done as well.
  11. Find a song that you love! Such as Drive My Car by The Beatles or So Much Love by The Rocket Summer, and walk to the beat. Sing it in your head if you're feeling insecure.
  12. Make a blog. Blogs are a great way to publish your thoughts and opinions on the Internet. Make it anonymous if you would like. It's completely your choice. But have fun with your topics and just be confident with what you write. Be careful though, and don't write anything about others that you wouldn't want them to find! Happy blogging.


  • Don't compare yourself with other people. It is a wasteful pursuit, and you could be doing something better with your time and energy. Know what you, personally, want and expect from yourself, and focus on attaining those things. The things that you want and expect from yourself don't have anything to do with how you measure up to others.
  • Consider attending leadership classes. Learn to take control of things. If you are in school, then consider running for a social position, such as a president of a club. The ability to lead others and respond to others' behavior under your leadership will help to bring you self confidence.
  • Listen to your inner monologue—your inner voice. In situations where you believe you lack confidence, realize that your inner voice is telling you negative things. You need to retrain that inner voice to be positive in those situations. If you need help, find someone who can help you do that.
  • Speak positively at all times. When you hear yourself saying something negative about yourself, instantly replace it with a positive comment.
  • You have to reprogram your subconscious by repeatedly telling it how confident you are; it will believe you in time.
  • Know where you are going and follow through.
  • Don't feel shy when talking to a stranger. Smile while you talk, as that will make you feel confident.
  • No matter how you look, feel good about yourself from within. This attitude will make you confident.
  • Walk 20% faster than your normal pace, stand and walk with your spine straight and hold your chin high. This physical posture will force you to think positive and be confident.
  • These wonderful tips can be practiced if you pay attention to your innate faculties. Thus boost your kindness, consideration, empathy, exuberance, generosity, curiosity, concern, forgiveness, convictions by suitable actions. This is possible through caring for your true self. [Cf: Superliving: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar]


  • Don't put yourself down. Everyone is different and has a valuable contribution to make to a diverse society. You are important for the person you are.
  • Don't stop yourself from doing what you want to do as long as it doesn't harm you or others.
  • Remember that there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Be careful not to portray a pompous or cocky attitude.
  • Never excuse your virtues. For example, don't say, "Sorry for being here on time" when your friend is not ready.
  • A lot of the time, peer pressure is to blame for lack of confidence. Some peer pressure is good, but never give in if you feel it's wrong. Trust yourself.
  • Sometimes a person will compliment you just to get something. Depending on the situation/person, the "something" can be anything from money to a night out. Don't be a cynic, but don't be gullible. (Trust in your instincts. They are usually right!)
  • Never let negative people, ones who always cry about everything in their lives or those who point out the smallest flaws in you with intention to hurt you, tell you anything. Most people do this when they know that you are better than them.
  • Don't expect these steps to work overnight. Confidence must gradually be developed by a pattern of positive thinking and action; it can't be faked. (Unless your ENTJ, then it can be faked, but only for a short period of time.)

How to Build Self Confidence


  1. Recognize your insecurities. What does that voice in the back of your mind say? What makes you ashamed of yourself? This could be anything from acne, to regrets, to emotional abuse (past or present) from a loved one or friends at school. Whatever is making you feel unworthy, ashamed, or inferior, identify it, give it a name, and write it down.
  2. Talk about it with friends and loved ones. Wear it on your sleeve. Each day you should chip away at it; wear it down. There's no quick fix. Get to the root of the problem; focus on it and understand that you need to resolve each issue before you can move on.
  3. Remember that no one is perfect. Even the most confident people have insecurities. At some point in any of our lives, we may feel we lack something. That is reality. Learn that life is full of bumps down the road.
  4. Identify your successes. Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority is a state of mind in which you've declared yourself a victim. Do not allow yourself to be victimized.
  5. Be thankful for what you have. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it's emotional validation, good luck, money, etc. By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and unsatisfied. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence.
  6. Be Positive, even if you don't feel positive. Avoid self-pity, or the pity and sympathy of others. Never allow others to make you feel inferior--they can only do so if you let them. If you continue to loathe and belittle yourself, others are going to do and believe likewise. Instead, speak positively about yourself, about your future, and about your progress. Do not be afraid to project your strengths and qualities to others. By doing so, you reinforce those ideas in your mind and encourage your growth in a positive direction.
  7. Look in the mirror and smile. Studies surrounding what's called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run.
  8. I am gorgeous, huh?
    I am gorgeous, huh?
    Fake it. Along the same lines of smiling to make yourself feel happy, acting confident might actually make you believe it. Pretend you're a completely confident version of you; go through the motions and see how you feel.
  9. Express yourself, whether it's through art, music, writing, etc. Find something you enjoy. Everyone is born with talents and strengths. You can develop and excel in yours. If it's difficult to name two or three things you have some ability in or just plain love to do, think about things others do that you would like to do too and take some lessons or join an enthusiasts club. When you're following your passion, not only will it have a therapeutic effect, but you'll feel unique and accomplished, all of which can help build your self confidence. Plus, adding a variety of interests to your life will not only make you more confident, but it will increase your chances of meeting compatible friends!
  10. Stick to your principles. It might be tough, but if you don't have something you can believe in, you don't have anything. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. No matter what's happened in your life, you can always lay claim to the fact that from this day forward, you've followed your principles to the best of your ability.
  11. Help others. When you know you're kind to the people around you, and are making a positive difference in other people's lives (even if it's just being kinder to the person who serves you coffee in the morning), you'll know that you are a positive force in the world--which will boost your self confidence. Go volunteer twice a month at an elementary school. Bake something for your neighbor for no reason. Confidence that you have earned is the most long-lasting.
  12. Stop worrying. What worries you today will be forgotten by you and people around you tomorrow. Can you remember what you were so worried about the same day the same time last week? If not, then you should not worry right now. You will not worry about it even one week from now.

  • Exercise and eat healthy. Exercise raises endorphins and makes one feel happier and healthier. It is certainly an easy and effective way to boost your self-confidence.
  • When you're feeling superbly insecure, write down a list of things that are good about you. Then read the list back. You'd be surprised at what you can come up with.
  • Turn feelings of envy or jealousy into a desire to achieve. Stop wanting what others have just because they have it; seek things simply because you want them, whether anybody else has them or not.
  • Don't be afraid to push yourself a bit - a little bit of pressure can actually show just how good you are!
  • Take a wilderness experience course such as those found at Outward Bound or NOLS. Learning how to survive in the wilderness will build your confidence in other areas of life too. You can also try taking a martial arts or fitness class/course (or both). This will help build confidence and strength.
  • Try to make yourself talk positively at all times. When you hear yourself saying you can't do something, stop and say you can. Unless you try, you will never know whether you are able to or not.
  • Everyone is beautiful in their own way; don't let anyone tell you differently. Remember to tell yourself that you are beautiful every day; even if you don't believe it, one day you will.
  • Money, luck, beauty, and all other material things are just an illusion of happiness. It misleads us to believe we will feel excellent if we have these things or have fun, but in the long run, you will discover that while these things aren't necessarily horrible, they are only mere satisfactions. You will realize having the American Eagle jacket, Nike Shoes, or an attractively rich person flirting with you is only a satisfaction, so you in the end you might feel glad you've gotten what you wanted, but you'll want more and more until you reach happiness. It'll be you just running for happiness blindly until you are worn out.
  • Happiness is not all about being lucky, attractive, or the best, but rather feeling joyful in yourself, letting go of your insecurities, and having real fun. Sometimes going clubbing is also what the media tags as being the most fun thing, and it can be, but you decide what feels wonderful and happily fun. The reason people also reflect back to their childhood as "the good ole days" is because that's when being the richest or prettiest doesn't count really, and when we were able to release ourselves and have true fun, feeling happy and confident.
  • Keep smiling all the time. It will help you feel more confident.
  • Say what comes to your mind; since your instinct thought of it, it's probably the right thing for you. Trusting your instinct will provide you with confidence to make the right decision at the right time.
  • Practice good posture. Our body posture represents what we are at that particular time. A simple habit that we can learn and implement is to stand and sit correctly. Your proper body posture will speak for you; how you stand sends out a message to the world, and in turn, back to you.
  • Avoid perfectionism. Perfectionism paralyzes you and keeps you from accomplishing your goals.
  • Write something on wikiHow! If you have a suggestion for anything, then share it. You will feel good for contributing, helping someone, and having your voice heard.
  • It is important that you take a oath everyday morning that you will do wonders today. Never think negative about yourself
  • Self confidence is also about knowledge. Improve your knowledge on subjects which you feel interes


  • Don't get wrapped up in your mistakes and dwell on bad points; they can be a healthy contrast to your good points or even give you something to improve. There's no feeling like being good at something you were really bad at.
  • Don't confuse what you have with who you are. People degrade their self worth when comparing possessions.
  • Surround yourself with nurturing friends, not overly critical individuals who make you feel inadequate or insecure. This could do great harm and damage to your self confidence.
  • Do not try to become confident in the sole interest of finding a partner. You will regret creating a false personality as the relationship goes along.
  • It's good to have a lot of confidence, but don't build it up so much that you get egotistical and annoying.
  • Lack of confidence is not necessarily a curse! So do not worry. Many ignorant, fanatic and maniac people are confident but is that desirable? No. Building self confidence should be associated with simultaneous growth from within. Thus by overcoming pettiness and superficiality you can build unshakable self confidence [Cf: Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar].
  • Do not mistake being loud and cocky as confidence. Often this is just a way of somebody with lots of insecurities to cover it up, therefore not being confident at all. Confidence is being happy with yourself and not allowing what other people think of you to affect you, you should only care about what you think of yourself.