Thursday, December 18, 2008



Observations on gardening. Payne
Webb's essay on painting.
Pope's Iliad.
------ Odyssey.
Dryden's Virgil.
Milton's works. 2 v. Donaldson. Edinburgh 1762.
Hoole's Tasso.
Ossian with Blair's critcisms.
Telemachus by Dodsley
Capell's Shakespeare.
Dryden's pl;ays. 6 v.
Addison's plays.
Orway's plays. 3 v.
Rowe's works. 2 v.
Thompson's works. 4 v.
Young's works. 4 v.
Home's plays.
Mallet's works. 3 v.
Mason's poetical works.
Terence. Eng.
Moliere. Eng.
Farquhar's plays. 2 v.
Varbrugh's plays. 2 v.
Steele's plays.
Congreve's works. 3 v.
Garric's dramatic works. 2 v.
Foote's dramatic works. 2 v.
Rousseau's Eloisa. Eng. 4 v.
------- Emilius and Sophia. Eng. 4 v.
Marmontel's moral tales. Eng. 2 v.
Gil Blas. by Smollett.
Don Quixot. by Smollett 4 v.
David Simple. 2 v.
Roderic Random. by Smollett. 2 v.
Peregrine Pickle. by Smollett. 4 v.
Launcelot Graves. by Smollett
Adventures of a guinea. by Smollett. 2 v.
Pamela. by Richardson. 4 v.
Clarissa. by Richardson. 8 v.
Grandison. by Richardson. 7 v.
Fool of quality. by Richardson. 3 v.
Feilding's works. 12 v.
Constantia. by Langhorne. 2 v.
Solyman and Almena. by Langhorne.
Belle assemblee. 4 v.
Vicar of Wakefield. 2 v. by Dr. Goldsmith.
Sidney Bidulph. 5 v.
Lady Julia Mandeville. 2 v.
Almoran and Hamet. 2 v.
Tristam Shandy. 9 v.
Sentimental journey. 2 v.
Fragments of antient poetry. Edinburgh.
Percy's Runic poems.
Percy's reliques of antient English poetry. 3 v.
Percy's Han Kiou Chouan. 4 v.
Percy's Miscellaneopus Chinese peices. 2 v.
Spencer. 6 v.
Waller's poems.
Dodsley's collection of poems. 6 v.
Pearch's collection of poems. 4 v.
Gray's works.
Ogilvie's poems.
Prior's poems. 2 v. Foulis.
Gay's works. Foulis.
Shenstones works. 2 v.
Dryden's works. 4 v. Foulis.
Pope's works. by Warburton.
Churchill's poems. 4 v.
Swift's works. 21 v.
Swift's literary correspondence. 3 v.
Spectator. 9 v.
Tatler. 5 v.
Guardian. 2 v.
Ld. Lyttleton's Persian letters.


Ld. Kaim's elements of criticism. 2 v.
Burke on the sublime and beautiful.
Hogarth's analysis of beatuy.
Reid on the human mind.
Smith's theory of moral sentiments.
Johnson's dictionary. 2 v.
Capell's proclusions.


Montesquieu's spirit of the laws. 2 v.
Locke on government.
Sidney on gonvernment.
Marmontel's Belisarius. Eng.
Ld. Bolingbroke's political works. 5 v.
Montesquieu's rise & fall of the Roman government.
Steuart's Political oeconomy. 2 v.
Petty's Political arithmetic.


Locke's conduct of the mind in search of truth.
Xenophon's memoirs of Socrates, by Feilding.
Epictetus. by Mrs. Carter. 2 v.
Antoninus by Collins.
Seneca. by L'Estrange.
Cicero's Offices. by Guthrie.
Cicero's Tusculan questions. Eng.
Ld. Bolingbroke's Philosophical works. 5 v.
Hume's essays. 4 v.
Ld. Kaim's Natural religion.
Philosophical survey of Nature.
Oeconomy of human life.
Sterne's sermons. 7 v.
Sherlock on death.
Sherlock on a future state.


Ld. Kaim's Principles of equity. fol.
Blackstones Commentaries. 4 v.
Cuningham's Law Dictionary. 2 v.


Rollin's Antient history. Eng. 13 v.
Stanyan's Graecian history. 2 v.
Livy (the late translation)
Sallust by Gordon.
Tacitus by Gordon.
Caesar by Bladen.
Josephus. Eng.
Vertot's Revolution of Rome. Eng.
Plutarch's Lives by Langhorne. 6 v.
Bayle's Dictionary. 5 v.
Jeffrey's Historical & Chronological Chart.


Robertson's History of Charles the Vth. 3 v.
Bossuet's history of France. 4 v.
Davila. by Fameworth. 2 v.
Hume's history of England. 8 v.
Clarendon's history of the rebellion. 6 v.
Robertson's history of Scotland. 2 v.
Keith's history of Virginia.
Stith's history of Virginia.


Nature displayed. Eng. 7 v.
Franklin on Electricity.
Macqueer's elements of Chemistry. 2 v.
Home's principles of agriculture.
Tull's horse-hoeing husbandry.
Duhamel's husbandry.
Millar's Gardener's diet.
Buffon's natural history. Eng.
A compendium of Physic & Surgery. Nourse.
Addison's travels. 2 v.
Anson's voiage.
Thompson's travels. 2 v.
Lady M. W. Montague's letters. 3 v.


Ld. Lyttleton's dialogues of the dead.
Fenelon's dialogues of the dead. Eng.
Voltaire's works. Eng.
Locke on Education.
Owen's Dict. of arts & sciences. 4 v.

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