Friday, May 11, 2007

Perseverance is the key to success

Mr Mahesh Dyaram

Mr Mahesh Dyaram is the Co-founder, Director and Chief Technology Officer of Nexge Technologies (P) Ltd, a telecom software product company. He is an MBA from IIM-Calcutta and a B.Tech from IIT-Bombay. He has a rich experience in IT and business, including building real-time network and communication systems. Here's his take on four questions from Business Line:

Two things that my education/training taught me:

Analytical thinking. This is critical in breaking down a problem into small manageable parts to arrive at a solution.

Widening of the thinking horizon. A broader view of things that encompasses the whole is necessary to understand things at a macro level.

Two things I learnt from my work/real life:

Perseverance is the key to success.

People are the key to the organisation.

One quality I look for the most in a new recruit:

Clarity of thought. A person with clear thinking can achieve success in any chosen field and be moulded to achieve any heights.

A book that I read recently:

Good to Great, by Jim Collins.

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