Weights and Measures
Unit Conversion Tables
Lengths & Distances
Also, Ken Prentice offers a variety of unit conversion calculators that run on Windows. A note on the metric system:
Before you use this table convert to the base measurement first, in that convert centi-meters to meters, convert kilo-grams to grams. In this way, I don't have to list every imaginable combination of metric units.
SI Prefixes
Number | Prefix | Symbol | 10 1 | deka- | da | 10 2 | hecto- | h | 10 3 | kilo- | k | 10 6 | mega- | M | 10 9 | giga- | G | 10 12 | tera- | T | 10 15 | peta- | P | 10 18 | exa- | E | 10 21 | zeta- | Z | 10 24 | yotta- | Y | | Number | Prefix | Symbol | 10 -1 | deci- | d | 10 -2 | centi- | c | 10 -3 | milli- | m | 10 -6 | micro- |  | 10 -9 | nano- | n | 10 -12 | pico- | p | 10 -15 | femto- | f | 10 -18 | atto- | a | 10 -21 | zepto- | z | 10 -24 | yocto- | y | |
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