Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Colours of Rainbow

A touch of cheer
amidst blotches of gloom
some streaks do hope
to strive
but at places stumble
over heaps of despair
Still some dollops of laughter
mingles with beads full of tear
and paints my sentience
-all of my high and low
using a brush spawned from wisdom
over the canvas of my existence
engaging the seven colors
from a rainbow.

My verdant early days
submitted to amorous purple in love
then seeing the hours fall
several hoary spots have built up
on an unnamed day
I would start to count
the total shades of rust
as can be found
Within the composite pattern
of my being
the speckled texture will show
as much of aged gray
as much was immature green
maybe some purple
has been lost into the blues
and all the other hues
-those very colors of my rainbow
the timid yellow, the fiery orange
and the sensitive red
will be merging with the dark
forming the ultimate semblance
at what time my vitality
will be moving into
a desolate milieu
of the dead.

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