Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My childhood days

Standing all alone
When I looked at my past
I realized that life
Has changed a lot

Gone were those days
Those childhood days
When I had a sweet
And cute face
It has now become
One of the phase

Tat sweet face of mine
With a mischievous look
And Filled with innocence
Like an incense
And a lovely smile
All awhile…

I wish I cud
Be The same
But I know
It wont be the same
Never and ever
My childhood
Oh tat sweet days
has become
a lovely memory
To think
And wonder upon

I still remember
Those small small fights
Which I fought
With my friends
Which sometimes lasted
For a whole night
And sometimes
Just for a few seconds
Now it seems to me
How silly those were!
But then
It wasn’t u know
Because then I was
Just a child

As a child
Each and everything
Around me
Was so fascinating
And the world
Awed me

Those questionings
Which people around
Sometimes found as
Irritating and silly
Though it didn’t
To me
as a child

That childhood days
Free from worries
And tensions
And botherations
Lying in those
Caring Arms
of my parents
Who took
So much care of me
Without getting hurt….
It was really
A wonderful life
Like a free bird…
It was simply wonderful…

As a child
Those pure thoughts
Without any corruption
Nor any bad intentions
And preconceptions
And accepting things
Without suspicion
That young heart
Is really something
Which I am never
Going to get back
But will be always

I long for those
happy days sometimes
Though I know
It never would be
Because you know
Life has it own

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